Seed Vault - Science Hill Botanical Complex
with critic Brennan Buck

Site planning of the existing Science Hill portion on Yale’s campus - negotiating a steep elevational difference while creating a new area for botanical research and planting. 

As the site is steeped in the north-south direction, the complex is oriented on its east-west cross axis. The two rows of elm trees that line Hillhouse Avenue are extended onto the new site, tying the complex back to the central


This seed vault envisioned for Yale’s Science Hill presents as a glowing tower with three areas of enclosure. A repeating matrix of 1’ x 1’ x 1’ storage cells forms the central structural core, at times extending to become stairs spiralling up the folly or the floor of a small room.

The three rooms are arranged by order of access. The lowest room an open resting area; the middle room holds exhibition shelves; the topmost room performs as a preparation room for seeds, fully enclosed and protected from sunlight.